Dr. Mohamad jafarzadeh


ARUMS Vice-chancellor for health affairs and the director of the provincial health center

Dr. Mohamad jafarzadeh


Email address: Dr.mjafarzadeh@arums.ac.ir


ARUMS vice-chancellery for health affairs at a glance

Health is considered one of the most important prerequisites for the development ofsocieties and the fulfilment of justice in all dimensions of economic, social, political, and human-related domains. The role of the government in planning, supporting, and operationalizing health projects and also attracting people’s cooperationand participation in the maintenance and promotion of the general health of the society is of distinctively paramount importance.

Therefore, providing comprehensive and high-quality healthcare and treatment services to all of the people in the society with the cooperation of various groups and associations such as the peoplethemselves, the governmentalunits concerned with health and treatment (such as health centers, health bases, and health houses), and other related governmentalas well asnon-governmental organizations is one of the most important factors that can have a profound effect on the general health of the society. The appropriate provision of such services plays a key role in promoting the general health of the society (it empowerspeopleby offering them the needed knowledge and awareness about the factors that can affect their individual and social health and helps them act logically in situations where there is a need to makedecisions about their health-related behaviors in order to attain a good and healthy life).

The health center of the province has a special importance and a unique position in the huge body of ARUMS.

The health center of the province is the confluence of all activities conducted by the university (across the society, both in urban and rural areas) in relation to health, research, education, and treatment. This center, which is under the direct supervision of the chancellor of the university and the vice-chancellery for health affairs at the related ministry, manages, leads, and organizes all of the health-related plans and programsin the province. It alsosupports the implementationof these plans and programsso as to realizethe final goal of the institute which is securing, maintaining, and improving the health status of all of the people in cities and villages. Below, more information is provided about the organizational structure of the center and its main responsibilities.

Last Update At : 28 March 2022